Liberian Registry launches cyber security program

Liberian Registry launches cyber security program

The Liberian Registry has launched a Cyber and Ship Security Computer-Based Training (CBT) programme, aiming to provide a comprehensive overview of cyber-security issues, including concepts such as malware, network security, identity theft, risk management, and other common threats to maritime security.

    “Cyber-attacks have been identified as among the most serious emerging threats to the security of today’s shipping industry. Over 40% of crew members have reportedly sailed on a vessel that has become infected with a virus or malware – and only 1 in 8 crew members have received cyber-security training,” says Jorgen Palmbak, Director of Maritime Security for the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR), the US-based manager of the Liberian Registry.

The Liberian Registry believes that there is an immediate need for both crew and shore-based staff to receive cyber security training, as IMO has

issued a resolution giving shipowners and managers until 2021 to incorporate cyber-risk management into their ship safety plans.

Namely, the CBT program provides an overview of common maritime security threats, including the risk of criminal activity, threats to ship security, port-based drug-trafficking risks, security roles and responsibilities on board, and an introduction to the ISPS code.

In addition, it covers issues relating to stowaways, about 2,000 of whom are discovered each year hiding on ships, and piracy attacks, of which there have been an average of more than 300 per year since 2009.


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