PLA, POLB to consider Clean Air Action Plan update in November

PLA, POLB to consider Clean Air Action Plan update in November
TINNews |

The governing boards of the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will hold a joint public meeting on 2 November to consider approving the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) 2017 Update. The update contains far-reaching strategies to further reduce air emissions and support visions for more sustainable freight movement.

Environmental teams from both ports have developed the update over the last two years, incorporating input from dozens of meetings with industry, regulatory, community and environmental stakeholders.

The CAAP, adopted in 2006, was intended to be periodically updated, with the first update approved in 2010. This year’s update aims to reduce emissions from all sources that move cargo, including through the deployment of near-zero emission trucks and cargo-handling equipment, and the expansion of programs that reduce ship pollution.

According to the latest annual inventories, both ports’ comprehensive clean air programs since 2005 have:

    eliminated 87% of diesel particulate matter,

    cut nitrogen oxides by 56% ,

    reduced sulfur oxides by 97%,

    decreased greenhouse gases more than 18%.

    “The results reflect the ports’ efforts to work with stakeholders to aggressively reduce pollution from the ships, trucks, trains, cargo-handling equipment and harbor craft that operate in and around the ports,” the ports stated.


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