Captain fined after cargo vessel grounding

Captain fined after cargo vessel grounding

The captain of the Dutch motor vessel ‘MV Ruyter’ that ran aground at Rathlin Island has been fined £1,000 at Armagh Magistrate’s Court, after pleading guilty to failing to keep a proper look out.

On 10 October, the Dutch Cargo Ship ‘Ruyter’ was carrying a cargo of timber from Lemosov, Russia to Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland, when it grounded on the north coast of Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland, according to UK Coastguard.

A lifeboat and Coastguard Rescue Team was launched and the ship refloated under its own power. The ship reported no damage at the time and continued her voyage to Warren point.

When the ship arrived on 11 October at Warrenpoint, the pilot noticed the ship was 75 meters by the head and had a list. The timber deck cargo had also shifted a little. The harbour master at Warrenpoint found there was flooding to the bow thrust compartment and to the fore peak tank. She requested the ship to have an immediate underwater inspection, the next day, which revealed extensive damage over the forward third of the vessel’s length.

The cargo was discharged to facilitate further inspection and a port state control inspection by the MCA resulted in the Ruyter being detained.

Ship’s captain was charged under the Merchant Shipping Distress Signals and Prevention of Collision Regulations 1996 and also of failing to safely navigate his ship and causing serious damage to the ship. He was fined £1,000 or 28 days in prison unless the fine was paid within 24 hours.

The master was released later same day and returned to Russia.

    Captain Bill Bennett Technical Manager for the MCA, Northern Ireland said: “I am not surprised at the extent of the damage. The Captain is very lucky that the outcome was not more serious. I am very concerned that he failed to have a lookout on watch with him and that the off-watch alarm and ECDIS alarms should have been switched on – this put his crew and his vessel at risk.  Thankfully there was no pollution from this incident.”



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