14 mining firms still operating despite suspension order in Philippines

The Standard P&I Club advised that, according to information provided by its correspondents in the Philippines (Claims Services P&I Management Co Inc), 14 mining firms are still operating despite the suspension order earlier this year by the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
It was reported that aside from the suspension order issued by former DENR Secretary in February
2017, closure order was sent to these mining companies which are extracting nickel ore which are
mostly shipped to Japan and China. However, despite the suspension and closure order, these
mining companies are still operating.
The Club recommends operators with ships fixed to load mineral ore cargo from the Philippines to liaise closely with the club’s local correspondent and clarify the export ban with the relevant government agency prior to confirming the voyage, in order to ensure that the cargo is being legally exported and to avoid any issues.
Click here to read related circular to find out which companies are under detention and which specific documents are required in order to avoid any potential issues with the local authorities.