Danish Shipping to focus on key bunker oil challenges

Danish Shipping to focus on key bunker oil challenges

Danish Shipping announced that it will host a workshop on the 9th of November 2017 to help shipping companies address compliance related choices for the 2020 Sulphur limit. The workshop will be organized in collaboration with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish Maritime Authority.

The workshop is expected to address issues about bunker oil and choices related to the upcoming global Sulphur limit. The topics  will include legal requirements, the refinery processes and how to handle the oil onboard. Additionally, the workshop will undertake issues regarding the bunker supplier’s expectations, the status of the scrubber market and important things for the installation of a scrubber.

Finally, some of the members will talk about their compliance strategies in a session that will be for members only.

    Maria Skipper, director at Danish Shipping, stated:  “I expect that all members will be affected by the 2020 cap no matter whether they are deep sea or short sea operators. The workshop is relevant for a wide range of employees in the shipping companies whether they work with technical issues, new building projects, bunker purchase, operation, chartering, commercial strategies etc.”

This workshop is part of the ‘Partnership for Green Shipping’ which is a partnership with the aim to maximize the environmental advantages of stricter international requirements, while securing a level playing field for the industry. The partnership is to represent Danish interests globally through an action plan that contains initiatives for the development of new technology and focusing on fuel suppliers.


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