SEA\LNG members deepen discussion on LNG as transport fuel

SEA\LNG members deepen discussion on LNG as transport fuel

LNG as a transport fuel and the subsequent energy transition of the maritime sector was at the centre of a speech by Mr. Masamichi Morooka, President and CEO of Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port Corporation (YKIP), a SEA\LNG member company, at the LNG Producer-Consumer Conference (LNG PCC) 2017.

Hosted by The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) and the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC), the LNG PCC 2017 was held on October 18.

Firstly, calling for compliance with 2020 global sulphur cap, Mr. Morooka compared the three options available today, which include using low sulphur Fuel oil, installing SOx scrubbers, and using LNG as marine fuel:

    “Currently, there are no other viable options such as LNG, that can reduce emissions effectively and thoroughly. LNG emits zero sulphur oxides (SOx), virtually zero particulate matter (PM), and 90% less nitrogen oxides (NOx) than traditional Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). It also effectively reduces CO2 emission, which is significant not only to the shipping industry, but also society as a whole.”

In order to widen the network of LNG bunkering ready ports in Japan, Europe, the US, as well as the rest of Asia, MLIT has been aggressively promoting international cooperation at administrational level, and signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with 11 port authorities of 10 countries.

    “Ports have to be ready for the coming energy transition. Vessels can’t compromise too much cargo space for fuel tank installation, so those ports who are in a key position for trunk line services, such as Yokohama and Singapore, should give priority to their development of LNG bunkering infrastructures…” Mr. Morooka also pointed out.

Concluding, he called for Asia to play a bigger role to promote the energy transition.

SEA\LNG is a multi-sector industry coalition, created to accelerate the widespread adoption of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel, aiming to a cleaner shipping by 2020.


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