Malta explores LNG as a maritime fuel

Malta explores LNG as a maritime fuel

The Energy and Water Agency has been awarded a €600,000 EU grant to explore the utilization of LNG as a marine fuel in Malta, according to the Times of Malta.

The Maltese government wanted to set a policy in the LNG field, after an istruction by EU Directive which said that ember States should develop LNG refuelling infrastructure at maritime ports, until 2025.

The technical study is to be launched in the next month.

Tractebel Engineering S.p.A. will manage the study after winning the tender, with the EWA and Transport Malta overseeing the project.

As LNG are already lower than traditional fossil fuel’s emission, the EU and the IMO are adopting more measures about maritime fuel emissions, with the hope that LNG will be largely adopted in the next years.

LNG as a fuel will improve offshore and port infrastructure solutions for LNG bunkering in Malta, in order to adapt to the market demand.

Finally, the grant will identify possible cooperation with Italy’s gas pipeline interconnector, Times of Malta said.


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