Last missing crew of JBB DE RONG 19 found dead

Last missing crew of JBB DE RONG 19 found dead

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) announced that a body has been found and positively identified as the last missing crew member of dredger JBB DE RONG 19, which had collided with ‘KARTIKA SEGARA’ tanker on 13 September.

The last body of the vessel’s crew was found inside the accommodation structure of the dredger by divers during salvage operations on 5 November 2017.

    “As all 12 crew members on board JBB DE RONG 19 are now accounted for, with seven rescued and five bodies recovered, search and recovery operations have concluded,” MPA Singapore said in a statement.

The last body recovered brings the total number of recovered crewmen to five, since after the accident two crewmembers died and another two bodies were found back in October.

The Dominican-registered dredger JBB DE RONG 19 had collided with ‘KARTIKA SEGARA’ in the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in the Singapore Strait.


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