Stena Bulk proceeds into reorganisation

Stena Bulk proceeds into reorganisation

Stena Bulk announced the reorganisation of its business activities into three business areas: Crude & Fuel, Products & Chemicals and LNG and have appointed two new managing directors. A new office will open in Copenhagen.

As the company stated its business activities previously conducted under the name of Stena Weco are being coordinated and incorporated into Stena Bulk.

The company will open a new office in Copenhagen, thus leaving its office in Rungsted, which until now has been used by Stena Weco, Stena Bulk stated.

    “This is a natural transition from the old structure to the new one where we now have total control over our business involving product and chemicals transportation in the MR segment. This and other adjustments will result in a clearer structure as regards our business and organisation”, says Erik Hånell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk.

As a result of the reorganisation, Mats Karlsson (Crude & Fuel) and Johnny Schmolker (Products & Chemicals) were appointed as new managing directors.

Furthermore, Johan Jävert has been appointed as Vice President, Commercial Operations, and Sofia Eriksson will take on the position of General Manager, Business Control, WW.

Stena Bulk Products & Chemicals, Denmark is now located on the office in Copenhagen, as well as Stena Line, Stena RoRo and Northern Marine Management.

Stena Bulk will continue to have regional offices in Gothenburg, Houston, Singapore, Shanghai and Dubai.

In 2017 Stena Bulk acquired the remaining 50% of the shares in Stena Weco from its partner WECO Shipping, owning it wholly, the company noted in its statement.


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