Poland to build new deep-sea port in Gdansk

Poland to build new deep-sea port in Gdansk

Poland plans to construct a deep-sea port in Gdnask Bay, which will have the capability of receiving almost 100 MMT of cargo per year. A tender regarding the the project will be announced at the end of this year or the start of 2018.

According to sources, the port will cost 1.4-2.1 billion euros and is expected to have been completed by 2028.

Furthermore, the project will be placed between he Dead Wisla and the oil-loading terminal Naftoport.

The construction of the port aims to balance the competition from North and Baltic Seas ports and provide services to customers in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and northern Ukraine, Lukasz Grejnke, the chairman of the Port Authority of Gdansk.

He concludes saying that is expected that in about two years one or two terminals could be operating in the Central Port.


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