Strong steps towards green shipping

The IMO Maritime Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) has agreed on an important initial strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships. On top of this, MEPC also paved the way for effective enforcement of the upcoming global sulphur cap.

Strong steps towards green shipping

The IMO Maritime Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) has agreed on an important initial strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships. On top of this, MEPC also paved the way for effective enforcement of the upcoming global sulphur cap.

​The initial strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships is a deci-sive step towards reducing the climate impact of shipping. MEPC agreed to reducing emissions by 50 percent by 2050 and also committed to completely phasing out GHG emissions within this century.

Danish Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Brian Mikkelsen, says:
“I am pleased to see the IMO taking decisive action with the initial strategy. It is important for both the climate and for shipping that the IMO contributes to overcoming the global challenge of emissions reduc-tion which is recognized in the Paris Agreement. This is achieved today with a firm goal of reducing emissions of GHG’s from ships by minimum 50 percent no later than 2050. With this, the initial strategy demon-strates a considerable level of ambition.”

Stronger enforcement of sulphur limits
The MEPC also dealt with another important issue – sulphur enforce-ment. Wide support was achieved towards banning the carriage of fuel with a sulphur level above 0,50 percent. This was an important Danish target due to the increased effectiveness of enforcement that becomes possible with a ban in place which in turn supports a level playing field for the industry.

Ballast water treatment moves forward
The Ballast Water Management Convention requires installation of BWM systems on ships. The MEPC agreed today on a plan for imple-menting this in practice. Some ship types need to be ready by 2019 while all ships are encompassed by the requirements by 2024. MEPC approved regulation on approval of BWM systems.
Source: Danish Maritime Authority


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