Two crewmembers died after after inhaling toxic gas

Two crewmembers of the bulk carrier Fen Hui Hai lost their lives, while another one is hospitalized after inhaling toxic gas. The incident happened on Sunday, 22 of April, in India.

Two crewmembers died after after inhaling toxic gas

Two crewmembers of the bulk carrier Fen Hui Hai lost their lives, while another one is hospitalized after inhaling toxic gas. The incident happened on Sunday, 22 of April, in India.

The three crewmembers were transferred to hospital at Jamnagar port, Gujarat, India, with gas poisoning symptoms. When they arrived at the hospital, two were declared dead, while one is still being treated for poisoning.

The incident happened as one of the crew went into the hold and was affected by gas, and two others went in the hold to help him, also suffering gas poisoning.

The bulk carrier entered the Gulf of Kutch on April 21, when it arrived from Indonesia carrying a cargo of coal. Feng Hui Hai is currently anchored off Jamnagar, Gujarat.



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