Port of Antwerp, Fluxys Team Up for CO2 Capture

Antwerp Port Authority and gas infrastructure operator Fluxys are joining forces on carbon capture, storage and reuse by industry in the fight against climate change.

Port of Antwerp, Fluxys Team Up for CO2 Capture
TINNews |

Antwerp Port Authority and gas infrastructure operator Fluxys are joining forces on carbon capture, storage and reuse by industry in the fight against climate change.

In the first phase, Antwerp Port Authority and Fluxys are studying the feasibility of solutions for capturing CO2 from industry in the port, transporting it by pipeline or ship and finally re-using or storing it.

If the results of the feasibility study are positive then the aim is to jointly promote practical projects.

“Industry in the port of Antwerp is a central engine of the Belgian economy and in the past few years it has put great efforts into becoming more sustainable. When it comes to CO2 emissions, however, a port-wide approach is needed,” Jacques Vandermeiren, CEO of Antwerp Port Authority, said.

“To counter the effects of global warming we need to have a mix of solutions. We have to deal not only with CO2 emissions from energy consumption but also from a large number of industrial processes that also release CO2,” Pascal De Buck, Fluxys Managing Director, added.




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