Klaipėda LNG Terminal Receives 50th LNG Cargo

On May 25, the 50th LNG reloading operation took place at Lithuanian liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal operated by AB Klaipėdos Nafta (KN).

Klaipėda LNG Terminal Receives 50th LNG Cargo

On May 25, the 50th LNG reloading operation took place at Lithuanian liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal operated by AB Klaipėdos Nafta (KN).

The 50th load was delivered to the Klaipėda Port by the Arctic Voyager, which has already visited the facility several times. The LNG carrier brought 140,000 cubic meters of LNG from a liquefaction plant in Norway.

Since October 2014, when the FSRU Independence began operations in Klaipėda, the terminal has received 42 LNG imports — 5.4 million cubic meters of LNG.

Gas has been supplied to Lithuania from four countries — Norway, the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, and Nigeria.

Tadas Matulionis, LNG Business Director at KN, estimates that since 2016, utilization of Klaipėda terminal has been one of the highest among all of the LNG terminals in Europe, supplying about half of all of the natural gas consumed in Lithuania: “The demand for LNG terminal services remains high, with the terminal operating at over 90 per cent capacity during some months.”

The utilization of the terminal is also increased by the reloading of LNG to small-scale LNG vessels. The first such reloading operation was performed in the beginning of 2017, when the first small-scale LNG vessel, the Coral Energy, had been received and loaded at the terminal.

After successfully reloading LNG from the FSRU, LNG export activities gained momentum, and since early 2017, the terminal has already performed eight LNG reloads for re-export to small-scale LNG import terminals in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Lithuania has become the 12th country in the world that LNG is re-exported from, as explained by the terminal operator.

Source: worldmaritimenews



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