83 containers fall off Yang Ming boxship off Australia

A total of 83 containers went overboard from the Liberian-flagged container ship 'YM Efficiency', when the vessel encountered heavy weather while underway off the Australian coast, on 31 May. An additional total of 30 vans collapsed remaining on deck, according to master’s report.

83 containers fall off Yang Ming boxship off Australia

A total of 83 containers went overboard from the Liberian-flagged container ship 'YM Efficiency', when the vessel encountered heavy weather while underway off the Australian coast, on 31 May. An additional total of 30 vans collapsed remaining on deck, according to master’s report.

The vessel, owned by the Chinese company Yang Ming Marine Transport, was en route from Kaohsiung to Sydney, loaded with 3307 TEU onboard, when it encountered inclement weather on Thursday afternoon, which caused the containers to go overboard.

According to the company, there were no dangerous cargo involved in the incident, nor marine pollutant. However, items including nappies and sanitary pads are already washing up on beaches and the lost containers may pose a hazard for shipping and whales.

The incident was reported to AMSA and Concerned parties. Yang Ming Headquarters has an emergency task force set up to deal with this incident immediately to monitor the development of the incident.

Safety of the crew has been well secured and the ship has already arrived out off Sydney port, however, due port closure under adverse weather, she was unable to berth.

The overboard containers will be salvaged by Yang Ming.


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