Dunkerque-Port receives PERS certification

Dunkerque-Port has received the EcoPorts network's PERS certification, granted by the ESPO. PERS certifications imply that a port is effectively monitoring the environmental challenges and is implementing an improved environmental management. The certification is valid for two years.

Dunkerque-Port receives PERS certification

Dunkerque-Port has received the EcoPorts network's PERS certification, granted by the ESPO. PERS certifications imply that a port is effectively monitoring the environmental challenges and is implementing an improved environmental management. The certification is valid for two years.

This European recognition indicated the environmental actions that have been taken by Dunkerque-Port. Some of these are:

  • Optimised management of dredging sediment (Dredging Master Plan);
  • Improvement in quality of port water (Sewerage Master Plan);
  • Consideration of biodiversity upstream of development projects (Natural Heritage Master Plan);
  • Collection of waste from ships, knowledge and management of the coastline, greenhouse gas inventory, and soon the opening of a Port Centre.

The PERS will add to Dunkerque-Port's other planning tools, and will create a basis for the CAP 2020 project. This project includes a new dock and new infrastructures for the container sector at Dunkirk, to limit its environmental impact.

Currently, there are 33 PERS-certified ports among the 94 European and Mediterranean ports awarded the EcoPorts label. In 2016 Dunkerque-Port won the ESPO Awards on the theme of "Nature in ports".

Earlier this month, ESPO congratulated Port of Rotterdam, Port of Le Havre and Port of Piraeus for renewing their EcoPorts’ environmental management standard (PERS).

Source: safety4sea




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