World’s first renewables and hydrogen ship arrives in Athens

'Energy Observer', the world's first ship powered by renewables and hydrogen, arrived at Flisvos Marina in Athens. The Greek capital is the 20th stopover of its world tour, which aims to raise awareness on energy transition.

World’s first renewables and hydrogen ship arrives in Athens

'Energy Observer', the world's first ship powered by renewables and hydrogen, arrived at Flisvos Marina in Athens. The Greek capital is the 20th stopover of its world tour, which aims to raise awareness on energy transition.

Energy Observer has already traveled more than 7,000 nautical miles, without emitting any GHG, while it will visit 50 countries and make 101 stopovers. 

Its target is to mobilize environmental transition, like renewable energy, biodiversity, and mobility, Xinhua news agency reported. The vessel has 130 square meters of photovoltaic panels combining three technologies, and two vertical axis wind turbines to produce power.

Because it is powered by renewables, and due to its double storage composed of batteries and hydrogen, the vessel can achieve energy autonomy.

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the EU Commission, UNESCO and the French Ministry for the ecological and solidary transition, support the Energy Observer. 


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