Cargo ship sinks off Shanghai, 10 missing

Ten people are missing after a cargo ship sank off China's east coast near Shanghai, on Sunday July 15, as Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Center announced the same day.

Cargo ship sinks off Shanghai, 10 missing

Ten people are missing after a cargo ship sank off China's east coast near Shanghai, on Sunday July 15, as Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Center announced the same day.

The freighter Shunqiang 2, which at the time was carrying 3,000 tonnes of rolled steel, collided with the chemical tanker Yong An and sank in the Wusongkou anchorage near Shanghai, causing 13 people to fall overboard. Only three of them have been rescued, Xinhua news agency reported.

Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Center deployed 10 coastal patrol vessels, along with two towboats, and two salvage ships to the site of the accident to assist in the rescue mission after it received the alert.

Search and rescue efforts are currently taking place. The vessel was going to Guangzhou, south China, from east China's Nanjing.




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