Survey vessel finds 37 of 81 containers lost from ‘YM Efficiency’

A Port of Newcastle survey vessel has located 37 of the 81 containers that fell overboard the cargo ship YM Efficiency, on June 1, 30 kilometres southeast of Newcastle, off Australia. The vessel continues the search for the remaining containers.

Survey vessel finds 37 of 81 containers lost from ‘YM Efficiency’

A Port of Newcastle survey vessel has located 37 of the 81 containers that fell overboard the cargo ship YM Efficiency, on June 1, 30 kilometres southeast of Newcastle, off Australia. The vessel continues the search for the remaining containers.

The majority of the containers were found near where the YM Efficiency lost the cargo. However, containers and debris found on the final day of a six-day search six nautical miles north of where the incident took place, indicate that some containers and debris could be found closer to Stockton Beach.

According to AMSA, YM Efficiency’s insurer, Aus Shipand owner Yang Ming agreed to continue the search for the rest of the containers using the Port of Newcastle surveying vessel 'JT Gowlland.'

AMSA has also informed fishers of the exact positions of confirmed containers, damaged containers and debris, warning of the possible dangers.

In addition, the Australian authority released its preliminary report on the loss of 81 containers overboard the container ship YM Efficiency.

According to the report, the ship experienced a period of quick, heavy rolling for about 60 to 90 seconds. The rolling was estimated by the ship’s master as having reached angles of up to 30º to port and starboard.

Shortly after the start of the rolling, several engineering alarms sounded and the main engine shut down. The second officer heard loud noises on deck and suspected that there had been some cargo damage. He turned on the ship’s deck lights and observed that containers had been damaged and  lost overboard.

At about 0040, the chief officer reported several containers damaged or lost overboard from bays 52 and 56, just aft of the accommodation.

The final report is not expected until early 2019.




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