Two crewmen die on tanker after inhaling toxic gas

Two crew men have lost their lives, possibly after exposure to toxic gas during tank work onboard a tanker, while the ship was sailing about 13 nautical miles of Stadlandet, southern Norway, in the early morning hours of Saturday.

Two crewmen die on tanker after inhaling toxic gas

Two crew men have lost their lives, possibly after exposure to toxic gas during tank work onboard a tanker, while the ship was sailing about 13 nautical miles of Stadlandet, southern Norway, in the early morning hours of Saturday.

According to data provided by local media, the ship, identified as the Maltese-registered tanker 'Key Fighter', was en route from Norway to England, when two of its crew were found unconscious inside the tank and were taken out by other sailors comprising the 14-crew of the vessel.

The oldest of the two men, aged about 70, was confirmed dead shortly after arrival at the hospital in Alesund. The other man, in his 40s, was hospitalized, but eventually also lost his life.

The two men who died were from the Philippines and Spain, Hugo Matre from Fjord Shipping said to NTB.

The authorities were alerted at about 4.30 am and sent a rescue helicopter from Florø, the closest rescue center. The helicopter got to the ship just after 5 o’clock. A few minutes later, the two sailors were on their way to Ålesund Hospital.

According to the police, the two may have been exposed to hydrogen sulphide, but this is yet to be confirmed.




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