UK to announce changes on offshore wind auction

The UK government is planning to publish during November the final policy regarding changes to the contract for difference (CfD) scheme for the third round, which will launch May 2019, regarding offshore wind and other less established technologies.

UK to announce changes on offshore wind auction
TINNews |

The UK government is planning to publish during November the final policy regarding changes to the contract for difference (CfD) scheme for the third round, which will launch May 2019, regarding offshore wind and other less established technologies.

Specifically, the UK said that it will probably publish its final decisions regarding changes to the CfD before the 2018 ends, as well as other parameters for the new round.

These parameters include a draft budget, allocation process and delivery years for successful projects, along with revised CfD standard terms and conditions for new contracts.

Before this announcement, the UK government informed during July that next CfD auction for offshore wind and other less established technologies will start in May 2019. After that, UK plans to conduct tenders every two years to provide between 1 GW and 2 GW of offshore wind each year by 2020.

The previous CfD auction took place in 2017 and awarded contracts to 3.3 GW of renewables, while the clearing price for offshore wind was half compared to the first auction which occurred in 2015.




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