Diana Shipping Signs Charter Deal with Berge Bulk

Greek dry bulk shipowner Diana Shipping has entered into a time charter contract with Singapore-based Berge Bulk Shipping for one of its Capesize dry bulk vessels.

Diana Shipping Signs Charter Deal with Berge Bulk

Greek dry bulk shipowner Diana Shipping has entered into a time charter contract with Singapore-based Berge Bulk Shipping for one of its Capesize dry bulk vessels.

The 174,186 dwt Sideris GS was hired for a period until minimum December 15, 2019 up to maximum March 30, 2020.

The parties agreed a gross charter rate of USD 8,500 per day for the first thirty days of the charter period and USD 15,350 per day for the balance period of the time charter.

This employment is anticipated to generate USD 6.24 million of gross revenue for the minimum scheduled period of the time charter.

Diana Shipping said that the charter commenced on November 15, 2018. The 2006-built Capesize was previously chartered to Rio Tinto Shipping (Asia) at a rate of USD 13,000 per day.


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