IMO Sec-Gen supports STM Validation Project

During the STM Validation Project Final Conference at the IMO, in London, the IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim supported the STM. Specifically, Mr. Lim stated that STM goes hand in hand with IMO goals.

IMO Sec-Gen supports STM Validation Project

During the STM Validation Project Final Conference at the IMO, in London, the IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim supported the STM. Specifically, Mr. Lim stated that STM goes hand in hand with IMO goals.

In addition, EU officials also stated that STM is very important for the EU strategy and that the 20 million euro invested in the project is a good investment.

Moreover, industry representatives actors expressed their intention to take responsibility for the technical governance of the digital Maritime Service Infrastructure, developed within STM. What is more, BIMCO’s Documentary Committee adopted a specific STM clause, which aims to enable just-in-time port calls in commercial contracts.

Continuing,Professor Kurt Bodewig, the EU coordinator for the Motorways of the Seas, the maritime dimension the EU transport corridors welcomed the project as well. He said that:

"Sea Traffic Management is a pillar in the European maritime strategy"

Finally, during the conference, the STM results showed high saving potential for all ships based on operational efficiencies. This is because of better information sharing between ships and ports. This could contribute greatly to achieving the IMO goal of reducing CO2 with 50% by 2050.

Recently, Tallinn became the latest shore centre for STM Validation Project. Namely, Tallin VTS joined the STM, which aims to improve traffic safety and provide vessel traffic services to know vessels’ intentions and sailing plans.

Sea Traffic Management connects and updates the maritime world in real time, with efficient information exchange.Through data exchange among selected parties such as ships, service providers and shipping companies, STM is creating a new paradigm for maritime information sharing offering tomorrow´s digital infrastructure for shipping.

STM-services allow personel on-board and on shore to make decisions based on real-time information. These services enable more just-in-time arrivals, right steaming, reduced administrative burden and decreased risk related to human factors. Example of services are

  • Route optimisation services;
  • Ship to ship route exchange;
  • Enhanced Monitoring;
  • Port Call Synchronisation;
  • Winter Navigation.

STM´s aim is to create a safer, more efficient and environmentally friendly maritime sector. The goals for full deployment of STM by year 2030 in relation to year 2015 are the following.

  • Safety: 50% reduction of accidents;
  • Efficiency: 10% reduction in voyage costs and 30% reduction in waiting time for berthing;
  • Environment: 7% lower fuel consumption and 7% lower green house gas emissions.


Kitack Lim expressed his full support for STM, encouraging the project to submit its results to IMO at the next possible committee meeting.


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