Denmark approves new regulation for offshore activities

Following the extension, last spring, of the rules on tax free net wages for seafarers, the Danish Parliament has approved new regulation to also include certain specialised vessels.

Denmark approves new regulation for offshore activities

Following the extension, last spring, of the rules on tax free net wages for seafarers, the Danish Parliament has approved new regulation to also include certain specialised vessels.

According to Danish Maritime Authority report, the Danish parliament adopted an extension of the seafarer tax scheme last spring, applying to the crew on certain specialised vessels in the offshore sector.

The new amendment enables ship owners and Danish trade unions to sign agreements that cover all seafarers on vessels mainly engaged in offshore activities in Danish waters, no matter what the seafarer’s place of residence.

The amendments are expected to enter into force in 2019.

The Danish government has also passes bill, changing the rules on ship registration. According to the bill, shipowners from third countries are not required to meet the establishment criterion by primary or secondary establishment.

The bill was implemented on 1 January 2018, to enhance transparency for shipowners that want to enter ships into the Danish Ship Register.

Ships in the Danish International Register of Shipping can access special economic framework conditions, such as a competitive tonnage taxation scheme and tax exclusions for seafarers.




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