IMO focuses on strategy for shipping emissions reduction at COP 24

IMO is at the UN climate change conference (COP 24) in Poland, focusing on key elements of the Initial IMO Strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships. Discussions at several side events at COP 24 have highlighted prospects for alternative and low-carbon fuels.

IMO focuses on strategy for shipping emissions reduction at COP 24
TINNews |

IMO is at the UN climate change conference (COP 24) in Poland, focusing on key elements of the Initial IMO Strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships. Discussions at several side events at COP 24 have highlighted prospects for alternative and low-carbon fuels.

Namely, the strategy aspires to decrease the GHG emissions annually by more than 50% by 2050, in comparison to 2008, meanwhile aiming to phase them out entirely. This defines the steps to be taken for CO2 emissions reduction consistent with the Paris Agreement temperature aims.

Also, IMO addressed to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA 49) on the Organization’s practices and thrive to decrease emissions from global shipping, including adopting the initial IMO Strategy and work on technology collaboration and capacity building.

Many were the matters to be discussed during the COP 24, focusing mostly on options for alternative and low-carbon fuels, since both the industry and the Governments talk about the need for getting a distance from fossil fuels.

The IMO is aware that technology and introduction of alternative fuels or energy sources to the world are the base to achieve its aims. Under discussion was also the economic growth for vulnerable countries as well.

Finally, IMO’s GloMEEP energy efficiency collaboration and the global maritime technology centre network are in favour of developing countries to implement IMO energy efficiency measures and to push forward with pilot projects and trials for emissions recording and reporting.


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