Egypt shuts down seven ports temporarily because of bad weather

Heavy weather combined with inappropriate manipulations may lead to damage of a vessel, threatening the cargo, the environment or, even worst, human life. That's why, for the time being, Egyptian authorities have shut down the most important ports of Alexandria and Dekheila on the Mediterranean Sea and Ain Sokhna and Suez on the Red Sea because of extreme weather conditions, as stated by Reuters.

Egypt shuts down seven ports temporarily because of bad weather

Heavy weather combined with inappropriate manipulations may lead to damage of a vessel, threatening the cargo, the environment or, even worst, human life. That's why, for the time being, Egyptian authorities have shut down the most important ports of Alexandria and Dekheila on the Mediterranean Sea and Ain Sokhna and Suez on the Red Sea because of extreme weather conditions, as stated by Reuters.

Specifically, according to Reuters' sources, the authorities in Egypt proceeded to the closing of another three, smaller ports along the Gulf of Suez.

A spokesman for the Alexandria port authority addressed that strong winds and high waves do not enable the safe passage of speedboats and the ascent and descent of the guide onto ships. The spokesman continued highlighting that the weather affected the arrival and departure of ships in the ports of Alexandria and Dekheila.

Concluding, the term 'heavy weather' is defined as combination of strong winds of Beaufort scale 7 or more and waves with height of 4 meters or more.

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