Oil tanker on fire in Hong Kong results to one dead, rescue continues

'Aulac Fortune', an oil tanker in Hong Kong’s southern waters caught fire on January 8, resulting to the killing of one crew member, whereas at least 21 people were rescued, according to Reuters' reporting.

Oil tanker on fire in Hong Kong results to one dead, rescue continues

'Aulac Fortune', an oil tanker in Hong Kong’s southern waters caught fire on January 8, resulting to the killing of one crew member, whereas at least 21 people were rescued, according to Reuters' reporting.

Specifically, as stated by the Hong Kong Police Department, the vessel was found on fire outside Lamma Island. Police and Fire Services Department are conducting rescue operation.

Also, the blast was allegedly so loud that shook windows several kilometres away.

A police spokeswoman as quoted by Reuters addressed that there are still some crew members that haven't been saved.

Moreover, as stated by Reuters, the Aulac Fortune vessel is a small, Vietnamese-flagged,  17.500 deadweight tonne oil product tanker built in 2010. Last, it loaded 6.000 tonnes of gasoline, the majority of which was transferred to Guangzhou between Jan. 6 and 7.

According to residents of the island Lantau, the blast from the fire was so loud that rattled doors and windows.

Rhea Nee, resident in Lantau island, quoted in Reuters

"It felt like when there is a strong typhoon, when the wind shakes your doors violently. It was really strong"


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