LNG-powered survey vessel floated out by German shipyard

The first LNG-fueled survey vessel 'ATAIR' was floated in Kiel after being built for 16 months. The vessel was built for the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The survey vessel will be used for wreck search and underwater surveying.

LNG-powered survey vessel floated out by German shipyard

The first LNG-fueled survey vessel 'ATAIR' was floated in Kiel after being built for 16 months. The vessel was built for the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The survey vessel will be used for wreck search and underwater surveying.

'ATAIR' will use LNG instead of usual diesel, in order to be more climate-friendly.

After successfully finishing all trials, the new built is expected to be delivered to the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in spring 2020.

Commenting on the occasion, Harald Fassmer, Managing Director of FASSMER shipyard, said that the building of the vessel is very complex and large parts of outfitting works are still to take place.

The towing of the ship to FASSMER shipyard is scheduled for middle of March. There, installation and finishing works in all trades will continue.

Jörg Herwig, Managing Director of German Naval Yards Kiel, stated:

"If we consider the innovative side of the vessel, floating of the dock becomes a particularly emotional moment"


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