Fednav Takes Delivery of New Bulk Carrier

Canadian dry bulk shipping company Fednav Limited took delivery of the Federal St Laurent, its latest Great Lakes-suitable handysize vessel, on June 27.

Fednav Takes Delivery of New Bulk Carrier

Canadian dry bulk shipping company Fednav Limited took delivery of the Federal St Laurent, its latest Great Lakes-suitable handysize vessel, on June 27.

The 34,500 dwt international ice-class bulk carrier was handed over to the company at a ceremony held at the Oshima Shipyard in Japan.

Built to trade in the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, the Marshall Islands-flagged vessel emits 30% less greenhouse gases than similar vessels built 20 years ago and is equipped with an Optimarin ultraviolet ballast water treatment system, according to the company.

The bulker is the fourth Federal St Laurent in Fednav’s history.

“This vessel is anchored in the history of Fednav, but more importantly, it represents the strong links between the Great Lakes, the Seaway, the St. Lawrence River and the rest of the world,” Paul Pathy, President and CEO of Fednav, said.

Fednav Limited has a fleet of more than 100 bulk carriers trading worldwide, 64 of which are owned. From offices on four continents, the company said it operates the largest fleet of Great Lakes-suitable oceangoing vessels, the largest fleet in the world of ice-class bulk carriers, and three ice-breaking cargo ships that service the Arctic twelve months a year.

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