APM Terminals Barcelona accomplishes record 150 berth moves per hour

APM Terminals accomplished a record 150 BMPH (berth moves per hour) servicing a latest-generation vessel, marking the terminal's productivity and performance by 100% from its latest €47 million investment now being operational.

APM Terminals Barcelona accomplishes record 150 berth moves per hour

APM Terminals accomplished a record 150 BMPH (berth moves per hour) servicing a latest-generation vessel, marking the terminal's productivity and performance by 100% from its latest €47 million investment now being operational.

Following the terminal's latest investment, APM Barcelona leads the path in the maritime business, with one of the best productivity levels in the Mediterranean.

The terminal's investments, also consist of the two new Super Post Panamax cranes from Los Angeles, bringing the terminal’s total to 6 SPX cranes in operation and ready to provide simultaneous service to the latest-generation mega ships that stop over in the port of Barcelona. According to the terminal, the STS cranes enable operations with vessels that have up to 23 containers.

Moreover, they are able to lift 100 tonnes and can also operate in TWIN mode (2x20’), which allows the terminal to further increase its level of service, offering customers the highest productivity of all the Mediterranean terminals.

In the meantime, APM Terminals Barcelona has implemented additional improvements, by acquiring 29 new straddle carriers (SCs), which have also bolstered the terminal's performance.

Barcelona's terminal is equipped with the Rack platform, for refrigerator connections, which has allowed it to increase its connection capacity by 31%.

Narcís Pavón, General Manager of APM Terminals Barcelona concluded

"We renew our commitment to the Port of Barcelona, outfitting ourselves with the technical equipment necessary to operate the most modern container ships that currently stop over in the Catalan capital."

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