Malaysian pilots alert Government on new LNG terminal’s location

Malaysian marine pilots alert that the planned construction and operation of an LNG terminal, located near the Port Klang that handles many passengers daily, would impact public and port safety. The terminal is expected to be completed in 2022.

Malaysian pilots alert Government on new LNG terminal’s location

Malaysian marine pilots alert that the planned construction and operation of an LNG terminal, located near the Port Klang that handles many passengers daily, would impact public and port safety. The terminal is expected to be completed in 2022.

Specifically, the President and Chairman of Maritime Pilots Malaysia, Captain Martin Lim, stated that they are not opposed to the Government's decision on attracting investment in Malaysia, and approve their plan on constructing a new LNG terminal and storage facility; Yet, they contradict that the location chosen for the construction of the terminal may pose dangers, given the LNG.

He added that LNG has a specific boiling point temperature of about -162 degree Celsius. This means that when it is exposed to the atmosphere, it transforms to into flammable and combustible vapor. It has higher relative density, heavier than air and will remain near the ground. Each drop of LNG will expand 600 times in vapor form at atmospheric pressure.

That's why, the Pilots support that the LNG terminal should be constructed in a safe location, not close to the public to eliminate any possibilities of putting them to danger, and protect navigation safety and pilotage in the area.

The LNG terminal is planned to be located near the Boustead Cruise Terminal, an major terminal in Malaysia, handling large international cruise ships with a capacity of both crew and passengers exceeding 8,000 at any one time.

Concluding, Captain Lim urges the port's authority to reconsider their plans and opt for a different location.

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