Joint development project to design LNG-fueled VLCC

Lloyd's Register announced the signing of an agreement for a joint development project (JDP) with several industry partners to design an LNG-fueled Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC). The JDP will evaluate design options for an LNG-fueled VLCC that uses a prismatic GTT Mark III membrane LNG tank.

Joint development project to design LNG-fueled VLCC

Lloyd's Register announced the signing of an agreement for a joint development project (JDP) with several industry partners to design an LNG-fueled Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC). The JDP will evaluate design options for an LNG-fueled VLCC that uses a prismatic GTT Mark III membrane LNG tank.

Partners include LR and China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES), CNOOC Gas and Power Group, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry (DSIC), and French GTT.

The scope of the JDP includes reviewing solutions to minimize construction costs for LNG-fueled ships, while ensuring operational flexibility and efficiency, with the location of tanks as well as tank sizes to allow for round trip voyages under consideration.

"Considering round trip LNG fuel capacity will allow a shipowner to bunker at the cheapest location,"

...noted Adnan Ezzarhouni, General Manager of GTT China.

LR will conduct a risk assessment and review the design to ensure it meets LR’s Rules to issue an Approval in Principle.

"With the Global Marine industry looking towards carbon reduction and ultimately decarbonisation, this JDP marks an important milestone in the journey that the industry is now taking. Through this JDP we look forward to jointly working with the key stakeholders in this innovative development proposed to bring technological advancements to the industry,"

...Mark Darley, LR’s North Asia President, said.


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