Cargo leakage from Iranian tanker stopped

After the Iranian oil tanker Sabiti was hit by missiles in the Red Sea, last week, off Saudi Arabia's coast, leakage of cargo has been stopped. The ship is now heading for the Gulf, while the incident has not been independently confirmed yet, and there is no claim of responsibility.

Cargo leakage from Iranian tanker stopped

After the Iranian oil tanker Sabiti was hit by missiles in the Red Sea, last week, off Saudi Arabia's coast, leakage of cargo has been stopped. The ship is now heading for the Gulf, while the incident has not been independently confirmed yet, and there is no claim of responsibility.

As Reuters reports, Iran now plans its next move, after it has studied the facts. However, a senior security official noted that there is video evidence that has given leads about the incident.

The tanker Sabiti was hit last week, off Saudi Arabia, in an area that has faced several attacks on tankers and oil installations since May.

According to Saudi Arabia, it received a distress message from the tanker, but it continued its voyage and turned off its transponder, before the country could assist.

Giving more information on the incident, Nasrollah Sardashti, head of National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), the owner of the, informed that the crew were safe and the vessel would reach Iranian waters within 10 days.

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