DNV Grants Type Approval for bound4blue eSAIL

The suction sail technology is fully autonomous and works by dragging air across an aerodynamic surface, generating propulsive efficiency. The simple, low weight and easy to install units significantly cut main engine loads, fuel use and emissions, says bound4blue.

DNV Grants Type Approval for bound4blue eSAIL
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Wind-assist company bound4blue’s eSAIL® has received Type Approval from DNV.

The suction sail technology is fully autonomous and works by dragging air across an aerodynamic surface, generating propulsive efficiency. The simple, low weight and easy to install units significantly cut main engine loads, fuel use and emissions, says bound4blue.

The technology is suitable for almost all shipping types and can be fitted as retrofits on a broad range of vessels, as well as newbuilds.

It has already won contracts with shipowners and operators including Odfjell, Eastern Pacific Shipping, Amasus, Marflet, Louis Dreyfus Company, and more.

David Ferrer, Co-founder and CTO, bound4blue, said: “Wind has massive potential for the maritime industry, both as a renewable energy source, but also as a tool to enable other alternative fuels. However, some owners and operators, understandably, may not know where to turn in this emerging segment. This approval consolidates our position as a preferred partner, with a proven system, and we aim to leverage it to cement our standing at the vanguard of the coming wind revolution.”

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source: marinelink
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