Montpellier plans light rail expansion

 Montpellier plans light rail expansion

PLANS to expand the light rail network in Montpellier were unveiled by the president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Mr Philippe Saurel on June 7 as part of the city’s new mobility strategy.

Under the proposals, a 17.5km Line 5 will link Lavérune in the west with Clapiers in the north. The project is expected to cost around €400m and will therefore be implemented in phases, with funding expected to come from local, regional and state sources.

A 1.5km extension of Line 1 from its southern terminus at Odysseum to the new Montpellier-Sud-de-France TGV station is also included in the plan. The €40m project will include the construction of a bridge across the A9 highway.


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