Warsaw cancels tender for up to 213 trams

Warsaw cancels tender for up to 213 trams
TINNews |

WARSAW Tramways announced on August 11 that it has abandoned a tender for a contract to supply up to 213 LRVs because the offer submitted by the highest-scoring bidder exceeds the available budget.

Bids were scored according to price (53%), level of maintenance activity in the first 1 million-km (20%) energy consumption (9%), impact on track (5%) and low-floor area (3%).

Škoda Transportation’s offer achieved the highest score in the tender evaluation, but the bid exceeded the operator’s Zlotys 2.3bn ($US 630m) budget by Zlotys 387m.

A consortium of Stadler and Solaris submitted the lowest-priced bid, with an offer of Zlotys 2.20bn ($US 590m) gross. The other bidders were Hyundai Rotem (Zlotys 2.23bn), Pesa (Zlotys 2.72bn), and Alstom Konstal (Zlotys 3.4bn).

The initial firm order would have comprised 85 bidirectional and 18 unidirectional LRVs with an option for a further 90 vehicles.


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