Metrolinx awards RER technical advisory contract

Metrolinx awards RER technical advisory contract

METROLINX, which is responsible for transport in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), has awarded a $C 300m ($US 239m) contract to 4Ttransit, a joint venture of Hatch, Parsons and WSP Canada, to provide technical advisory services for two work packages under Metrolinx’s 10-year Regional Express Rail (RER) project.

The $C 13.5m RER project is designed to transform five of the seven Go Transit commuter rail corridors in the GTHA area into an all-day electrified service, where trains run every 15 minutes or better. Metrolinx anticipates GO Transit ridership to increase to 127 million passengers within five years of the RER project’s completion and expects to reduce journey times by up to 50%.


“This massive transformation of the GO rail network represents the convergence of innovative technology and a fast-track infrastructure expansion that will benefit everyone in the GTHA,” says Mr Mike Johnson, president of Parsons’ Infrastructure Group. “Metrolinx has entrusted Parsons and the entire 4Tranist team to help bring this important project to fruition.”

Go electrification map


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