Kapsch TrafficCom to implement intelligent mobility system in Madrid

Kapsch TrafficCom to implement intelligent mobility system in Madrid

Global Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) provider Kapsch TrafficCom has secured a contract from the Madrid City Council to implement an intelligent mobility system in the city.

The installation of intelligent mobility system with an investment of €1.9m will help the council to gather comprehensive data to identify real-time traffic situations across the city, including all mobility modes such as pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles and cars.

Under the deal, Kapsch will further expand the data gathering network in the city by installing a network of 120 permanent traffic counting stations, equipped with intelligent artificial vision sensors to count traffic for continuously monitoring the mobility in the city's streets.

The company will also install 40 stations to monitor the movement of pedestrians and cyclists across the city.

In order to process the accumulated data, the Kapsch EcoTrafiX software platform will be installed to help municipal technicians obtain an aggregate overview for subsequent analysis.

"In order to process the accumulated data, the Kapsch EcoTrafiX software platform will be installed to help municipal technicians obtain an aggregate overview for subsequent analysis."

The software tool designed and developed by Kapsch can be used to capture, aggregate, archive and supervise various data sources.

Based on the analysis, the Madrid City Council will be able to identify the causes of congestions and propose efficient solutions for mitigation.

The ability of EcoTrafiX platform to produce new types of reports and objective data would help Madrid to improve its traffic data management.

The urban traffic management solution will integrate the data obtained from the stations with various specific measurements such as traffic volumes, speeds, directional traffic count, which are considered necessary by the General Subdirectorate for Mobility Implementation and Transportation.


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