Ontario opens new Oshawa GO Station to facilitate rail transit

Ontario opens new Oshawa GO Station to facilitate rail transit

The Government of Ontario, Canada, has opened a new station building at Oshawa GO Station, which is expected to facilitate rail transit in Durham region.

The new station building forms part of Ontario’s C$21.3bn ($16.87bn) plan to transform the GO Transit network into a regional rapid transit system.

It was designed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards for sustainability and features a modern ticketing counter, waiting area and larger public washrooms.

The station will also have a new canopy to connect the new station building with the VIA pedestrian bridge, which is currently under construction.

In addition, the building's parking bay has been upgraded to provide easier access for drivers, cyclists and pe

"Oshawa GO Station is an example of the major work Ontario is doing to transform GO Transit from a commuter service to a modern regional rapid transit system."

Ontario Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca said: “The new station building at Oshawa GO Station will provide better, more accessible service for customers, and it will make travelling by GO easier and more convenient.

“Oshawa GO Station is an example of the major work Ontario is doing to transform GO Transit from a commuter service to a modern regional rapid transit system.”

The station is a shared facility with VIA Rail and represents the eastern-most point on the GO Rail network.

It is used by nearly 7,850 passengers daily, comprising around 16% of the total ridership on the Lakeshore East line.

The C$14m ($11m) construction project initially began in 2015 and work is set to continue at Oshawa GO Station until next year, which will include the demolition of the old station building.

Electrified trains are expected to operate from Oshawa to Union Station at 15-minute intervals following the transformation of the entire GO rail network.


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