New Swedish port railway breaks ground

 New Swedish port railway breaks ground


A ceremony was held in Norrköping, Sweden, on November 13 to mark the start of construction on the Kardon Line, a new 7km electrified rail link to the seaport of Norrköping.

The new line is scheduled to open by 2021 and the new freight yard by 2022. This is the first step in the planned relocation of the Norrköping freight yard, which will free-up space for construction of the new high-speed East Link railway between Järna and Linköping, which will cut both distance and travel times on the Stockholm - Malmö - Copenhagen route.

Construction on the east Link between Järna and Linköping is slated to begin between 2021 and 2023, according to Trafikverket's recently proposed 2018-2029 National Transport Plan. The line is set to be completed between 2033 and 2035.

A full report on the current Swedish high-speed project will appear in the December issue of International Railway Journal.


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