Albanian railway rehabilitation project moves forward

TENDERING has begun for a contract to rehabilitate the 34.2km line between the Albanian capital Tirana and the port of Durrës, together with the construction of a new 7.4km line which will connect both cities to Rinas International Airport.

Albanian railway rehabilitation project moves forward

TENDERING has begun for a contract to rehabilitate the 34.2km line between the Albanian capital Tirana and the port of Durrës, together with the construction of a new 7.4km line which will connect both cities to Rinas International Airport.

The project is being financed by the European Union with up to €35.5m in grants from the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) and up to €35.5m in loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

The EBRD has previously financed a €1.2m feasibility study into the modernisation of the Tirana - Durrës line, which has seen little investment since its completion in 1948.

Source: railjournal




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