Five new exhibitors on the Sachsen stand at InnoTrans 2018

There will be 24 exhibitors from Sachsen showcasing their innovations at the combined 'Saxony Live' presence in hall 7.2b, which is being organised by business promotion agency Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen on behalf of the Land’s Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour & Transport.

Five new exhibitors on the Sachsen stand at InnoTrans 2018

There will be 24 exhibitors from Sachsen showcasing their innovations at the combined 'Saxony Live' presence in hall 7.2b, which is being organised by business promotion agency Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen on behalf of the Land’s Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour & Transport.

Among the newcomers at InnoTrans 2018 will be AIS Automation Dresden, Markenzoo eG, Norafin Industries (Germany), Skeleton Technologies and WBN Waggonbau Niesky.

International companies including Bombardier, RailMaint, Goldschmidt Thermit, Hörmann and NSH Group are active in Sachsen, which makes attendance at InnoTrans almost ‘obligatory for companies and research facilities from this industry’, according to Markus Brömel, Project Manager, Trade Fairs, at WFS.

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