China approves Ningxia high-speed line

CHINA’s top economic planning authority, the National Development and Reform Commission has approved the construction of the western section of a high-speed line linking Baotou, the second-largest city in Inner Mongolia, with Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia autonomous region.

China approves Ningxia high-speed line

CHINA’s top economic planning authority, the National Development and Reform Commission has approved the construction of the western section of a high-speed line linking Baotou, the second-largest city in Inner Mongolia, with Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia autonomous region.

The approval concerns the 100.6km Ningxia section from Huinong on the Yellow River to Yinchuan, which will be designed for 250km/h operation.

The Yuan 12.9bn ($US 1.9bn) line will take four years to construct.

Source: railjournal




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