Siemens and Engie Services awarded Singapore track circuit contract

SINGAPORE Land Transport Authority has awarded a Siemens and Engie Services Consortium a contract to supply 1253 new track circuits, as well as Siemens’ RailCom Manager System for fully-integrated track circuit condition monitoring.

Siemens and Engie Services awarded Singapore track circuit contract

SINGAPORE Land Transport Authority has awarded a Siemens and Engie Services Consortium a contract to supply 1253 new track circuits, as well as Siemens’ RailCom Manager System for fully-integrated track circuit condition monitoring.

Siemens’ FS 2550 track circuits will be installed in 58 signalling equipment rooms across the North - South and East - West Singapore Metro lines, replacing life-expired equipment, while the Siemens RailCom Manager system will be installed in the operation control centre to receive data from each of the track circuits and constantly monitor their condition and, through advanced analytical techniques, provide alarm and advanced warning of any deterioration in performance.

Siemens says by being able to accurately determine the condition of each track circuit, the system will eliminate the disruptive, time-consuming and costly issue of ‘false positives’, enabling maintenance teams to focus their resources only on identified track circuits. It says it also increases safety by minimising the amount of time maintenance staff will be required to work trackside.



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