FMN orders Stadler EMUs for TILO services

EUROPE: An agreement was signed in Milano on November 30 for Stadler to supply nine six-car electric multiple-units which FNM will lease to Trenord for use on TILO cross-border services between Lombardia in Italy and Ticino in Switzerland.

FMN orders Stadler EMUs for TILO services
TINNews |

EUROPE: An agreement was signed in Milano on November 30 for Stadler to supply nine six-car electric multiple-units which FNM will lease to Trenord for use on TILO cross-border services between Lombardia in Italy and Ticino in Switzerland.

FNM called tenders last year, and has placed the €114·4m order in two batches. The first is for five units to be delivered by November 2020, to be followed by four units to arrive from July 2021. The agreement also envisages provision of full maintenance services.

The 160 km/h units will be equipped to operate on 3 kV DC in Italy and 15 kV 16·7 Hz in Switzerland. They will be 104·9 m long with a capacity of 655 passengers, including 244 seated. Features will include LED lighting, power sockets, passenger information systems and two toilets. They will be equipped with ETCS, energy metering, passenger counters and remote diagnostic technology,

‘Today's signing is a further element of a broader plan to renew the fleet of trains launched in 2017’, said FNM Chairman Andrea Gibelli. ‘The availability of new trains is an essential aspect in order to offer a service that more adequately meets the mobility needs of people who live and work in or visit Lombardia or, as in this case, who travel across the border.’


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