Coach kits delivered to Kazakhstan

KAZAKHSTAN: Transmashholding’s Tver Carriage Works is supplying Tulpar-Talgo with kits for the assembly of Type 61-4447 coaches in Nur-Sultan.

Coach kits delivered to Kazakhstan

KAZAKHSTAN: Transmashholding’s Tver Carriage Works is supplying Tulpar-Talgo with kits for the assembly of Type 61-4447 coaches in Nur-Sultan.

The Russian factory has supplied 137 complete coaches of various types to Kazakhstan over the past decade, and this is its first contract to supply kits for local assembly. 

The contract signed on June 11 covers a total of 63 non-compartment coaches. The first batch of 25 kits was due to be sent in July, but TVZ was able to deliver them ahead of schedule in June. 

The Tulpar-Talgo plant was opened by a joint venture of national railway KTZ and Spanish rolling stock manufacturer Patentes Talgo in 2011 to produce 1 520 mm gauge coaches. Talgo later divested its stake, and at InnoTrans 2018 Transmashholding signed an agreement to acquire 99% ownership from KTZ.

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