New RoLa sleeping cars for ÖBB?

AUSTRIAN Federal Railways (ÖBB) has launched a market survey for a possible procurement of sleeping coaches for rolling road (RoLa) piggyback freight services.

New RoLa sleeping cars for ÖBB?

AUSTRIAN Federal Railways (ÖBB) has launched a market survey for a possible procurement of sleeping coaches for rolling road (RoLa) piggyback freight services.

The cars should be compatible with ÖBB’s existing vehicles, with low floor (55cm) entry and space for 28 passengers on berths which can be converted into seats during daytime. The coaches should be equipped with Wi-Fi, two toilets and a compartment for the train guard.

The compartments should feature kitchen facilities, or the coach should feature a separate kitchen compartment.

The coaches should be commissioned for 160km/h operation with an option for 200km/h. They must be able to pass trains travelling at 250km/h in tunnels, and must be approved for operation in Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.

ÖBB is not obligated to start a tender process. The results of the survey will be published by 26 February 2021.

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