Digital transport gains traction in Finland and Romania

Fresh momentum for e-CMR marks the pivotal shift towards entirely paperless transport operations with the digital infrastructure to support new innovations.

Digital transport gains traction in Finland and Romania

Fresh momentum for e-CMR marks the pivotal shift towards entirely paperless transport operations with the digital infrastructure to support new innovations.

After successful efforts from IRU’s Romanian member, UNTRR, President Klaus-Werner Iohannis signed the decree for Romania to follow with accession to e-CMR in the coming months. The news promises improved competitiveness on the international market for Romania and signals a renewed impetus for digital transport operations across Europe in 2019 and beyond.

Most recently, Finland acceded to e-CMR, with the protocol due to enter into force in April of this year. The move promises significant benefits to the transport industry, with reductions in costs via faster and more transparent data input and exchange. 


Rules for transporting goods internationally are covered by the United Nations Convention for the carriage of goods, the CMR (Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandises par Route). Transport operators, drivers and those receiving shipments use a CMR consignment note, which until recently, was only issued in paper form.

IRU has supported CMR/e-CMR development for decades and is currently assisting authorities worldwide through advisory services on accession, training, pilots and industry adoption of CMR/e-CMR.

The e-CMR protocol entered into force on 5 June 2011, and to date the contracting parties are: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey.


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