Implementation of Origin-Destination Monitoring Plan for Public Road Transport Fleet to Enhance Nowruz Travel Safety

The Director General for the Traffic Safety Department at the Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization announced the implementation of the Origin-Destination Control and Monitoring Plan for the public road transport fleet as part of efforts to improve the safety of New Year holiday travels.

Implementation of Origin-Destination Monitoring Plan for Public Road Transport Fleet to Enhance Nowruz Travel Safety
TINNews |

According to Farhad Mehryari, this initiative will be carried out during the last 10 days of the current Iranian Year and the Nowruz travel period in next Iranian Year. The plan aims to monitor and control the public transport fleet across IRAN's road network.

Dr. Mehryari also explained that monitoring activities will include inspections at passenger terminals as well as roadside checks conducted by traffic control bureaus and traffic police checkpoints. He also stressed the importance of road safety patrols, which will be carried out by the General Directorates of Provincial RMTOs across the national road network.

To further promote safety, Mr. Mehryari highlighted the strategic use of advertising boards along communication routes to disseminate safety messages to passengers and road users. Additionally, he underlined the role of media in fostering public awareness and enhancing road safety culture. Provincial centers are tasked with providing extensive media coverage of safety measures and activities through radio, television and online platforms.

Dr. Mehryari noted that joint efforts between traffic police, transport unions and provincial road administration departments is critical to ensuring travel safety during Nowruz. Joint meetings with provincial traffic police commanders and transport unions will focus on achieving the outlined safety goals and reducing road accidents during the holiday period.

This comprehensive plan underscores the commitment to enhancing passenger safety and minimizing risks during one of the busiest travel seasons of the year.

#END News
source: rmto
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