Mediterranean countries are facing a double threat: preserving their natural resources and guaranteeing the quality of life of citizens without giving up on tourism as a source of wealth and a way to boost the economy.


Mediterranean countries are facing a double threat: preserving their natural resources and guaranteeing the quality of life of citizens without giving up on tourism as a source of wealth and a way to boost the economy.

The organization ‘Comunidad MED’, in the framework of the Interreg MED program, introduced in Barcelona various sustainable tourism projects aimed at tackling the environmental and social challenges of tourism.

Luxury travelers spend an average of 3,124 euros per leisure trip, and 16% of that goes to activities they engage in while visiting the destination. This translates into about 500 euros to enjoy the best destination experience, according to the Premium Tourism Barometer presented by Braintrust, an international consulting firm. In addition, conclusions drawn from it show a marked trend to allocate less and less money in transport and accommodation, while increasing the budget to enjoy the trip itself.

The possibility of booking a day in spas within the IMSERSO Holiday Program is available to all older people, and reservations can be made for the months of June, July, August, September, October, November, and December, according to the National Association of Spas (ANBAL, in Spanish). Through a statement, the board of directors of this association wants to clarify the misinformation among older people and retirees following the precautionary suspension of the IMSERSO Holiday Program. The IMSERSO introduced a unique spa program 30 years ago, which is enjoyed by more than 200,000 people annually.

Generally, city dwellers see urban tourism in a positive light, despite the growing influx of visitors in recent years. This is the conclusion drawn from the 'Global survey on the perception of residents towards city tourism: impact and measures’ carried out by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and IPSOS. The report, which surveys 15 countries from different continents, suggests that to better manage the challenges caused by the large tourist demand in cities, it is essential to understand the perception and experiences of its residents regarding this trend.

63% of Europeans state they’ll travel this summer, 1% less than last year. Despite this, forecasts suggest they’ll also spend more, since their budget will increase by 3%, with an average of 2,019 euros. The increase is greater in the eurozone countries, where the average figure reaches 2,099 euros, 5% more than in 2018. This is reflected in the 19th edition of the Europ Assistance IPSOS Holiday Barometer, which surveys holiday plans, reasons for traveling, destinations and preferences of 12 countries.

New generations of Japanese tourists who are now arriving in Spain are young people between the ages of 18 and 29 (the so-called millennials). Their concerns and interests are far different from those of other socio-demographic groups. For example, these younger travelers are less inclined towards cultural heritage and more in living experiences. In the medium term, this could suppose changes in Spain’s inbound tourism sector.

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